Friday, October 27, 2006

Convert Independent / Dependent Value Set to Translatable

Somteimes, the LOV's attached to your value set displays the code values instead of the meanings and this confuses users. One of the reason is that you have a Independent / Dependent Value Set when it should have been Translatable Independent / Dependent. This happens because the translatable value field on the flex field value window is disabled for non translatable type value sets and the translatable value field for all recors is set to same as the value field. This prevents users from entering the translatable value. In order to resolve this issue you can convert the independent / dependent value set to a translatable one, which would then allow you to edit the translatable value for the records. In order to do so run

1. $FND_TOP/sql/afffupg1.sql script
2. Select the option #8 'Convert an Independent/Dependent value set to a Translatable Independent/Dependent value set '.
3. Enter the name of the value set

Once the script has run you can go in and change the translatable values.

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